查看 MySQL 慢日志
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使用 MySQL自带命令 mysqldumpslow 查看
#查看访问次数最多的 20 个 sql 语句 [root@localhost ~]# mysqldumpslow -s c -t 20 /usr/local/mysql/var/mysql_slow_query.log #查看返回记录集最多的 20 个 sql [root@localhost ~]# mysqldumpslow -s r -t 20 /usr/local/mysql/var/mysql_slow_query.log #按照时间返回前 10 条里面含有左连接的 sql 语句 [root@localhost ~]# mysqldumpslow -t 10 -s t -g "LEFT JOIN" /usr/local/mysql/var/mysql_slow_query.log
mysqlsla 分析 MySQL 慢查询日志
mysqlsla(现已不在维护)是第三方提供的perl脚本, 不过它功能强悍, 可以分析包括慢查询在内的多种格式的日志.
[root@localhost tmp]# wget http://hackmysql.com/scripts/mysqlsla-2.03.tar.gz [root@localhost tmp]# tar zxf mysqlsla-2.03.tar.gz [root@localhost tmp]# cd mysqlsla-2.03 [root@localhost mysqlsla-2.03]# perl Makefile.PL [root@localhost mysqlsla-2.03]# make [root@localhost mysqlsla-2.03]# make install
安装完成后, mysqlsla 会加入到 /usr/bin 目录.
mysqlsla 会自动判断日志类型, 缺省会打印出前十条结果, 可以通过类似--top 100的参数来修改, 如果觉得每次输入麻烦, 还可以建立一个配置文件 ~/.mysqlsla, 在文件里写上:
[root@localhost mysqlsla-2.03]# mysqlsla -lt slow /usr/local/mysql/var/mysql_slow_query.log
Report for slow logs: /usr/local/mysql/var/mysql_slow_query.log 4 queries total, 2 unique Sorted by \'t_sum\' Grand Totals: Time 11 s, Lock 0 s, Rows sent 712.40k, Rows Examined 712.40k ______________________________________________________________________ 001 ___ Count : 3 (75.00%) Time : 8 s total, 2.666667 s avg, 2 s to 4 s max (72.73%) Lock Time (s) : 0 total, 0 avg, 0 to 0 max (0.00%) Rows sent : 178.10k avg, 178.10k to 178.10k max (75.00%) Rows examined : 178.10k avg, 178.10k to 178.10k max (75.00%) Database : test Users : root@localhost : 66.67% (2) of query, 75.00% (3) of all users root1@localhost : 33.33% (1) of query, 25.00% (1) of all users Query abstract: SELECT * FROM test_1; Query sample: select * from test_1; ______________________________________________________________________ 002 ___ Count : 1 (25.00%) Time : 3 s total, 3 s avg, 3 s to 3 s max (27.27%) Lock Time (s) : 0 total, 0 avg, 0 to 0 max (0.00%) Rows sent : 178.10k avg, 178.10k to 178.10k max (25.00%) Rows examined : 178.10k avg, 178.10k to 178.10k max (25.00%) Database : Users : root@localhost : 100.00% (1) of query, 75.00% (3) of all users Query abstract: SELECT * FROM test_2; Query sample: select * from test_2;
<< 前一篇:白话MongoDB(二)
后一篇:用federated引擎在不同服务器间转移mysql表 >>
- 作者:gettyying 来源: 生活在别处
- 标签: mysqldumpslow mysqlsla 慢日志
- 发布时间:2011-04-02 13:54:09
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