xdebug: var_dump函数设置
http://xdebug.org/docs/display 上的说明:
Xdebug replaces PHP\'s var_dump() function for displaying variables. Xdebug\'s version includes different colors for different types and places limits on the amount of array elements/object properties, maximum depth and string lengths. There are a few other functions dealing with variable display as well.
ini_set(\'xdebug.var_display_max_children\', 128 );//xdebug.var_display_max_children Type: integer, Default value: 128
ini_set(\'xdebug.var_display_max_data\', 512 );//Type: integer, Default value: 512
ini_set(\'xdebug.var_display_max_depth\', 3);//Type: integer, Default value: 3
- Xdebug使用指南 (阅读:3247)
- xdebug 配置,在这里备份下 (阅读:2373)
- Ubuntu 下为 PHP 添加 Xdebug 插件 (阅读:2373)
- 使用xdebug调试PHP 找出PHP程序的瓶颈 (阅读:2256)
- 前端开发中的性能那点事(一)巧用xdebug (阅读:2052)
- 作者:rethink 来源: 博客园-rethink log
- 标签: var_dump xdebug
- 发布时间:2009-11-09 13:30:04
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