On the PDP-11, it happened that address 0 always contained the value 0, so dereferencing a null pointer also gave the value 0. Quite a few people who used these machines felt that since they were the original machine C had been written on/used to program, that this should be considered canonical behavior for C on all machines (even though it originally happened quite accidentally).
On some other machines (Interdata comes to mind, though my memory could easily be wrong) address 0 was put to normal use, so it could contain other values.
There was also some hardware on which address 0 was actually some memory-mapped hardware, so reading/writing it did special things -- not at all equivalent to reading/writing normal memory at all.
- Linus:利用二级指针删除单向链表 (阅读:11359)
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- C 语言中统一的函数指针 (阅读:3033)
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- 关于类成员函数指针的正确写法 (阅读:1951)
- 作者:appleleaf 来源: kernelchina blogs
- 标签: 指针
- 发布时间:2012-09-06 23:46:40
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