继这篇Blog 解决Nginx和Fpm-Php等内部多进程之间共享数据问题 发完后,进程间共享内存又遇到了新的问题
难道是这台机器系统不正常?查看系统状态也没有任何异常,统计了一下超时日志,发现超时都发生在早上QP服务重启的过程中,正常情况下服务重启时,ClusterMap 会保证流量的正常分配
难道是ClusterMap有问题?去ClusterMap Server端看了一下,一切正常
(! 2293)-> cat test/read_shared.cpp
#include SharedUpdateData* _sharedUpdateData = NULL; cm_sub::CMMapFile* _mmapFile = NULL; int32_t initSharedMemRead(const std::string& mmap_file_path) { _mmapFile = new (std::nothrow) cm_sub::CMMapFile(); if (_mmapFile == NULL || !_mmapFile->open(mmap_file_path.c_str(), FILE_OPEN_WRITE) ) { return -1; } _sharedUpdateData = (SharedUpdateData*)_mmapFile->offset2Addr(0); return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (initSharedMemRead(argv[1]) != 0) return -1; int cnt = 100; while (cnt > 0) { pthread_rwlock_rdlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); fprintf(stdout, "version = %ld, readers = %u\n", _sharedUpdateData->_version, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__nr_readers); if (cnt == 190) { exit(0); } sleep(1); pthread_rwlock_unlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); -- cnt; usleep(100*1000); } delete _mmapFile; }
(! 2293)-> cat test/write_shared.cpp
#include SharedUpdateData* _sharedUpdateData = NULL; cm_sub::CMMapFile* _mmapFile = NULL; int32_t initSharedMemWrite(const char* mmap_file_path) { _mmapFile = new (std::nothrow) cm_sub::CMMapFile(); if ( _mmapFile == NULL || !_mmapFile->open(mmap_file_path, FILE_OPEN_WRITE, 1024) ) { return -1; } _sharedUpdateData = (SharedUpdateData *)_mmapFile->offset2Addr(0); madvise(_sharedUpdateData, 1024, MADV_SEQUENTIAL); pthread_rwlockattr_t attr; memset(&attr, 0x0, sizeof(pthread_rwlockattr_t)); if (pthread_rwlockattr_init(&attr) != 0 || pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(&attr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED) != 0) { return -1; } pthread_rwlock_init( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock), &attr); _sharedUpdateData->_updateTime = autil::TimeUtility::currentTime(); _sharedUpdateData->_version = 0; return 0; } int main() { if (initSharedMemWrite("data.mmap") != 0) return -1; int cnt = 200; while (cnt > 0) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); ++ _sharedUpdateData->_version; fprintf(stdout, "version = %ld, readers = %u\n", _sharedUpdateData->_version, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__nr_readers); sleep(1); pthread_rwlock_unlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); -- cnt; usleep(100*1000); } delete _mmapFile; }
设置锁为Robust锁: pthread_mutexattr_setrobust_np
The robustness attribute defines the behavior when the owner of a mutex dies. The value of robustness could be either PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST_NP or PTHREAD_MUTEX_STALLED_NP, which are defined by the header <pthread.h>. The default value of the robustness attribute is PTHREAD_MUTEX_STALLED_NP. When the owner of a mutex with the PTHREAD_MUTEX_STALLED_NP robustness attribute dies, all future calls to pthread_mutex_lock(3C) for this mutex will be blocked from progress in an unspecified manner.
修复非一致的Robust锁: pthread_mutex_consistent_np
A consistent mutex becomes inconsistent and is unlocked if its owner dies while holding it, or if the process contain- ing the owner of the mutex unmaps the memory containing the mutex or performs one of the exec(2) functions. A subsequent owner of the mutex will acquire the mutex with pthread_mutex_lock(3C), which will return EOWNERDEAD to indicate that the acquired mutex is inconsistent. The pthread_mutex_consistent_np() function should be called while holding the mutex acquired by a previous call to pthread_mutex_lock() that returned EOWNERDEAD. Since the critical section protected by the mutex could have been left in an inconsistent state by the dead owner, the caller should make the mutex consistent only if it is able to make the critical section protected by the mutex con- sistent.
(! 2295)-> cat test/read_shared_mutex.cpp
#include SharedUpdateData* _sharedUpdateData = NULL; cm_sub::CMMapFile* _mmapFile = NULL; int32_t initSharedMemRead(const std::string& mmap_file_path) { _mmapFile = new (std::nothrow) cm_sub::CMMapFile(); if (_mmapFile == NULL || !_mmapFile->open(mmap_file_path.c_str(), FILE_OPEN_WRITE) ) { return -1; } _sharedUpdateData = (SharedUpdateData*)_mmapFile->offset2Addr(0); return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc != 2) return -1; if (initSharedMemRead(argv[1]) != 0) return -1; int cnt = 10000; int ret = 0; while (cnt > 0) { ret = pthread_mutex_lock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); if (ret == EOWNERDEAD) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: version = %ld, lock = %d, %u, %d\n", strerror(ret), _sharedUpdateData->_version, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__lock, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__count, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__owner); ret = pthread_mutex_consistent_np( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(ret)); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); continue; } } fprintf(stdout, "version = %ld, lock = %d, %u, %d\n", _sharedUpdateData->_version, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__lock, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__count, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__owner); sleep(5); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); usleep(500*1000); -- cnt; } fprintf(stdout, "go on\n"); delete _mmapFile; }
(! 2295)-> cat test/write_shared_mutex.cpp
#include SharedUpdateData* _sharedUpdateData = NULL; cm_sub::CMMapFile* _mmapFile = NULL; int32_t initSharedMemWrite(const char* mmap_file_path) { _mmapFile = new (std::nothrow) cm_sub::CMMapFile(); if ( _mmapFile == NULL || !_mmapFile->open(mmap_file_path, FILE_OPEN_WRITE, 1024) ) { return -1; } _sharedUpdateData = (SharedUpdateData *)_mmapFile->offset2Addr(0); madvise(_sharedUpdateData, 1024, MADV_SEQUENTIAL); pthread_mutexattr_t attr; memset(&attr, 0x0, sizeof(pthread_mutexattr_t)); if (pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr) != 0 || pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&attr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED) != 0) { return -1; } if (pthread_mutexattr_setrobust_np(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST_NP) != 0) { return -1; } pthread_mutex_init( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock), &attr); _sharedUpdateData->_version = 0; return 0; } int main() { if (initSharedMemWrite("data.mmap") != 0) return -1; int cnt = 200; int ret = 0; while (cnt > 0) { ret = pthread_mutex_lock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); if (ret == EOWNERDEAD) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: version = %ld, lock = %d, %u, %d\n", strerror(ret), _sharedUpdateData->_version, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__lock, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__count, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__owner); ret = pthread_mutex_consistent_np( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(ret)); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); continue; } } ++ _sharedUpdateData->_version; fprintf(stdout, "version = %ld, lock = %d, %u, %d\n", _sharedUpdateData->_version, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__lock, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__count, _sharedUpdateData->_lock.__data.__owner); usleep(1000*1000); pthread_mutex_unlock( &(_sharedUpdateData->_lock)); -- cnt; usleep(500*1000); } delete _mmapFile; }
BTW:我们都知道加锁是有开销的,不仅仅是互斥导致的等待开销,还有加锁过程都是有系统调用到内核态的,这个过程开销也很大,有一种互斥锁叫Futex锁(Fast User Mutex),Linux从2.5.7版本开始支持Futex,快速的用户层面的互斥锁,Fetux锁有更好的性能,是用户态和内核态混合使用的同步机制,如果没有锁竞争的时候,在用户态就可以判断返回,不需要系统调用,
- 从load data引发的死锁说起 (阅读:5136)
- nginx源码分析-共享内存 (阅读:5038)
- DBA手记:共享内存无法正常释放的处理 (阅读:1829)
- 操作系统基础知识 (阅读:1747)
- Sheepdog块设备驱动死锁的问题 (阅读:1553)
- 作者:tiechou 来源: 搜索技术博客-淘宝
- 标签: 共享内存 死锁
- 发布时间:2013-07-15 13:14:05
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