谁都知道.NET(的大部分组件)是不开源的,但是我不止在一个场合不止一次地强调过,“不开源”不代表你没法看代码,不代表你没法知道里面发生了什么。这里我不是在说.NET Reflector或是ILSpy这类反编译工具,当然它们在平时开发中也起到了很大的作用,不过很多时候更直接的方式便是阅读代码本身,尤其是当你像我一样时不时要“抄”点代码的时候。由于最近我在Tmc中“大张旗鼓”地使用.NET中BCL的代码,因此也再次强调一下这部分经验。
在.NET最初的几年里,要从框架内部抄写一些代码只能使用.NET Reflector将程序集反编译为C#。不过随着C#引入一些相对复杂的语法糖,例如yield,反编译的结果往往就不尽如人意了。而且很显然的是,编译结果本身会丧失许多实现细节,例如最常见的“局部变量名”肯定就完全丢失了。当然更重要的是一些注释,例如下面这段:
/* Implementation Notes: The generic Dictionary was copied from Hashtable's source - any bug fixes here probably need to be made to the generic Dictionary as well. This Hashtable uses double hashing. There are hashsize buckets in the table, and each bucket can contain 0 or 1 element. We a bit to mark whether there's been a collision when we inserted multiple elements (ie, an inserted item was hashed at least a second time and we probed this bucket, but it was already in use). Using the collision bit, we can terminate lookups & removes for elements that aren't in the hash table more quickly. We steal the most significant bit from the hash code to store the collision bit. Our hash function is of the following form: h(key, n) = h1(key) + n*h2(key) where n is the number of times we've hit a collided bucket and rehashed (on this particular lookup). Here are our hash functions: h1(key) = GetHash(key); // default implementation calls key.GetHashCode(); h2(key) = 1 + (((h1(key) >> 5) + 1) % (hashsize - 1)); The h1 can return any number. h2 must return a number between 1 and hashsize - 1 that is relatively prime to hashsize (not a problem if hashsize is prime). (Knuth's Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 3, p. 528-9) If this is true, then we are guaranteed to visit every bucket in exactly hashsize probes, since the least common multiple of hashsize and h2(key) will be hashsize * h2(key). (This is the first number where adding h2 to h1 mod hashsize will be 0 and we will search the same bucket twice). We previously used a different h2(key, n) that was not constant. That is a horrifically bad idea, unless you can prove that series will never produce any identical numbers that overlap when you mod them by hashsize, for all subranges from i to i+hashsize, for all i. It's not worth investigating, since there was no clear benefit from using that hash function, and it was broken. For efficiency reasons, we've implemented this by storing h1 and h2 in a temporary, and setting a variable called seed equal to h1. We do a probe, and if we collided, we simply add h2 to seed each time through the loop. A good test for h2() is to subclass Hashtable, provide your own implementation of GetHash() that returns a constant, then add many items to the hash table. Make sure Count equals the number of items you inserted. Note that when we remove an item from the hash table, we set the key equal to buckets, if there was a collision in this bucket. Otherwise we'd either wipe out the collision bit, or we'd still have an item in the hash table. -- */
namespace System.Collections.Generics { public class Dictionary<TKey, TValue> { private void Insert(TKey key, TValue value, bool add) { if (key == null) { ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument.key); } if (buckets == null) Initialize(0); int hashCode = comparer.GetHashCode(key) & 0x7FFFFFFF; int targetBucket = hashCode % buckets.Length; #if FEATURE_RANDOMIZED_STRING_HASHING int collisionCount = 0; #endif for (int i = buckets[targetBucket]; i >= 0; i = entries[i].next) { if (entries[i].hashCode == hashCode && comparer.Equals(entries[i].key, key)) { if (add) { ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource.Argument_AddingDuplicate); } entries[i].value = value; version++; return; } #if FEATURE_RANDOMIZED_STRING_HASHING collisionCount++; #endif } int index; if (freeCount > 0) { index = freeList; freeList = entries[index].next; freeCount--; } else { if (count == entries.Length) { Resize(); targetBucket = hashCode % buckets.Length; } index = count; count++; } entries[index].hashCode = hashCode; entries[index].next = buckets[targetBucket]; entries[index].key = key; entries[index].value = value; buckets[targetBucket] = index; version++; #if FEATURE_RANDOMIZED_STRING_HASHING if (collisionCount > HashHelpers.HashCollisionThreshold && HashHelpers.IsWellKnownEqualityComparer(comparer)) { comparer = (IEqualityComparer<TKey>)HashHelpers.GetRandomizedEqualityComparer(comparer); Resize(entries.Length, true); } #endif } } }
不久之前我为Tmc添加了HashDictionary,其中大部分的代码与BCL的Dictionary类相同。当然在搬运过程中我也进行了一定修改和简化,例如修改了一些命名,去除一些非泛型的接口实现等等,还去掉了对序列化的支持。基本上HashDictionary与Dictionary唯一的区别便是增加了bool Remove(TKey, out TValue)这个方法。假如我们使用扩展方法来实现这个功能,则可能会这么做:
public bool Remove<TKey, TValue>(this Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dict, TKey key, out TValue value) { dict.TryGetValue(key, out value); return dict.Remove(key); }
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- 作者:老赵 来源: 老赵点滴
- 标签: .NET 源代码
- 发布时间:2013-09-02 13:07:02
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