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浏览:3208次  出处信息
       A: Super π(Pi)是Windows底下很受欢迎的测试CPU的工具,因其只用到基础的浮点运算,而不涉及其他的系统库环境,所以,很适合用于排查CPU物理问题。而基于Linux环境,同样也有Super PI for linux套件。







    [root@dbasky tool]#tar xzvf superpi_linux.tar.gz

    [root@dbasky tool]# cd superpi

    [root@dbasky tool]# ./super_pi 20

    Version 2.0 of the super_pi for Linux OS

    Fortran source program was translated into C program with version 19981204 of

    f2c, then generated C source program was optimized manually.

    pgcc 3.2-3 with compile option of "-fast -tp px -Mbuiltin -Minline=size:1000 -M  noframe -Mnobounds -Mcache_align -Mdalign -Mnoreentrant" was used for the


    ------ Started super_pi run : 四 8月 6 11:33:32 CST 2009

    Start of PI calculation up to 1048576 decimal digits

    End of initialization. Time=       0.437 Sec.

    I= 1 L=       0        Time=       1.341 Sec.

    I= 2 L=       0        Time=       1.607 Sec.

    I= 3 L=       1        Time=       1.598 Sec.

    I= 4 L=       2        Time=       1.609 Sec.

    I= 5 L=       5        Time=       1.595 Sec.

    I= 6 L=      10        Time=       1.583 Sec.

    I= 7 L=      21        Time=       1.589 Sec.

    I= 8 L=      43        Time=       1.523 Sec.

    I= 9 L=      87        Time=       1.521 Sec.

    I=10 L=     174        Time=       1.524 Sec.

    I=11 L=     349        Time=       1.521 Sec.

    I=12 L=     698        Time=       1.516 Sec.

    I=13 L=    1396        Time=       1.521 Sec.

    I=14 L=    2794        Time=       1.574 Sec.

    I=15 L=    5588        Time=       1.510 Sec.

    I=16 L=   11176        Time=       1.507 Sec.

    I=17 L=   22353        Time=       1.461 Sec.

    I=18 L=   44707        Time=       1.408 Sec.

    I=19 L=   89415        Time=       1.345 Sec.

    End of main loop

    End of calculation.    Time=      30.470 Sec.

    End of data output.    Time=       0.180 Sec.

    Total calculation(I/O) time=      30.650(       1.282) Sec.

    ------ Ended super_pi run : 四 8月 6 11:34:03 CST 2009




    Specified M(=30) is too large.  M is set to 25.

    Start of PI calculation up to 33554432 decimal digits

    3、因算法不同,该程序不能用于和Windows平台上的Super PI进行性能对比(实际上,快很多);








    先解压到某个目录,然后进去make all,会生成一个memtester文件的,然后运行:


    [root@dbasky tool]#tar zxvf memtester-4.0.5.tar.gz

    [root@dbasky tool]#cd memtester-4.0.5

    [root@dbasky tool]#./memtester 2048 1







    [root@dbasky tool]#tar zxvf cpuburn-in.tar.gz

    [root@dbasky tool]#cd cpuburn-in

    [root@dbasky tool]#./cpuburn-in 1



    具体的介绍可以查看HardInfo官方,HardInfo提供了查看系统配置的图形界面,也提供了系统配置报告生成工具,如果没有安装 "X windows"环境也可以使用命令生成报告:




    [root@dbasky tool]#tar xjvf hardinfo-0.5.1.tar.bz2

    [root@dbasky tool]#cd hardinfo-0.5.1

    [root@dbasky tool]#./configure

    [root@dbasky tool]#make & make install

    [root@dbasky tool]#hardinfo -r -f *.text/*.html   #生成text或者html报告

    如果安装"X windows"环境,还可以用lshw-gtk查找硬件信息.


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