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警告全文如下: PHP Warning: Unknown: Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session extension does not consider global variables as a source of data, unless register_globals is enabled. You can disable this functionality and this warning by setting session.bug_compat_42 or session.bug_compat_warn to off, respectively. in Unk...
[ 共1篇文章 ][ 第1页/共1页 ][ 1 ]
- [56] WEB系统需要关注的一些点
- [51] Oracle MTS模式下 进程地址与会话信
- [51] Go Reflect 性能
- [48] 如何拿下简短的域名
- [48] find命令的一点注意事项
- [46] Twitter/微博客的学习摘要
- [46] 流程管理与用户研究
- [46] IOS安全–浅谈关于IOS加固的几种方法
- [45] android 开发入门
- [45] 图书馆的世界纪录