RedHat 相关证书过期时间与 RHCE 认证新的变更
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我去年考试 RHCA 的时候,收到 redhat 的来信.有关认证的时间之类.所以之前我也详细了解了一下相关信息.分享一下。
Hello fukai: Red Hat has announced general availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. Your Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) certification will be considered non-current on January 9, 2011 per the re-certification policy. It will still be possible to verify your certification at Unfortunately, there is a minor bug in the page such that your certification will report "Current until <blank>" instead of simply "Current". This issue will be resolved by the end of the month. During the time between now and January 9, 2011 you will remain eligible to take Red Hat Certificate of Expertise Exams. In order to remain eligible after that date you will need to re-certify. Discounts are available in most areas for re-certifying. If you are a Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA), Red Hat Certified Security Specialist (RHCSS), or Red Hat Certified Datacenter Specialist (RHCDS), you will need to re-certify to retain those titles after January 9. You will retain all Certificates of Expertise you have earned in either case.If you choose to re-certify, we will apply previously-earned Certificates of Expertise to your new RHCE and your status as an RHCA, RHCSS or RHCDS will be restored. For RHCEs earned under Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and later, a new re-certification policy will apply. This new policy only applies to new certifications and will provide more options for remaining current. Read more at
大意是根据 RedHat 的制度规定,当一个新的发行版本上市后 60 天,二个版本前的旧版本装不在支持,所以RHEL6(2010年11月10日公告RHEL 6新版本正式上市) 上市后 RHEL4 将会被淘汰.所以告诉我 淘汰日期为2011年1月9日。RHEL 5认证有效期可至下一新版本RHEL 7上市后60天.目前来讲 RHEL4 的人还是可以考试 RH302 的内容,就能升级到 RHEL5 的考试了。这样比较节约。
可惜我扶总真是命不好。过了 RHCA 没几天就过期了,只以显示 RHCA 的 5 科都过了,但不显示我可以有 RHCA 的证书,因为我的 4 的证书在 1 月 9 号过期了。我需要重新认证才能显示我取得了证书。
另外,还有一个不好的消息,就是依据 Red Hat 的一些官方资料,RHEL6 上市,Red Hat将公司更新的 RHCE 新认证制度. RHCSA 将取代 RHCT 认证,RHCSA ( Red Hat Certified System Administrator ),这个新认证将成为 RHCE 核心认证,RHEL6 版本起,要取得 RHCE 都必须要有 RHCSA 认证才可完成认证取得。新认证制度规定,新认证有效期限为三年,如果通过更加高级的认证就会自动延长三年(我的命啊。。。为现在现在不是啦)。所以大约今年 3 月起就会使用新的认证方法,所以以后要想拿到 RHCE 需要能过 RHCSA(Ex200) 与 RHCE(Ex300) 两科认证.
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- 作者:扶凯 来源: 扶凯
- 标签: RHCA
- 发布时间:2011-01-30 18:53:35
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