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JavaScript Dynamic Prototype Pattern

浏览:1813次  出处信息



    The dynamic prototype pattern seeks to solve this problem by encapsulating all

    of the information within the constructor while maintaining the benefits of using both a constructor

    and a prototype by initializing the prototype inside the constructor, but only if it is needed.


function Person(name, age, job){



       this.name = name;

       this.age = age;

       this.job = job;



       if (typeof this.sayName != "function"){


           Person.prototype.sayName = function(){







    var person = new Person("Nicholas", 29, "Software Engineer");




    The __proto__ pointer is assigned when the constructor is called, so changing the prototype to a

    different object severs the tie between the constructor and the original prototype. Remember: the

    instance has a pointer to only the prototype, not to the constructor.

function Person(){



    var person = new Person();


    Person.prototype = {

       constructor: Person,

       name : "Nicholas",

       age : 29,

       job : "Software Engineer",

       sayName : function () {





    person.sayName();   //error



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