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浏览:8130次  出处信息




    Delibar-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design Trends

    Blue Door Baby

    Blue-door-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Mystery Tin

    Mystery-tin-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Psdtowp-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design Trends

    Harry Bissett

    Harry-bissett-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Sower of Seeds

    Sower-seeds-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

2. 说话气泡导航设计

    把 菜单设计成讲话的气泡形状 ,似乎是另一种流行的趋势。


    Alexarts-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Bush Theatre

    Bush-theatre-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Tienda-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design Trends

    Rob Alan

    Robert-alan-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Sproutbox-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Kingpin Social

    Kingpin-social-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Contrast-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Design Spartan

    Design-spartan-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Definitely Dubai

    Definitely-dubai-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation    Design Trends

    Robin James Yu

    Robin-james-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    GIANT Creative

    Giant-creative-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Yellow Bird Project

    Yellow-bird-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    圆角经常用来软化规整的 矩形,其按钮的外观为是为了吸引用户点击它们。


    Ballpark-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Nosotros-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    New Look Media

    Newlook-media-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Lemonstand-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Metalab-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design Trends


    Visitrac-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Gugafit-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design Trends


    Peepnote-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Viljami Salminen

    Graphik-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design Trends


    精致的图标越来越多的应用 到导航设计中,因为现在带宽不再令人担心了。由 于视 觉上的吸引力,人们正越来越多地使用的图标 ,这种趋势仍在继续。 图 标不仅能吸引眼球,还有助于用户进行视觉识别。

    Adii Rockstar

    Adii-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design Trends


    Sourcebits-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Carsonified-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Marcusk-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design Trends


    Mobilesite-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Mesonp-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design Trends


    Dreamling-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Nadatr-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design Trends


    Redvelvet-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Custom Toronto

    Customtoronto-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

5.JavaScript 动画

    JavaScript 技术使 Web设计人员只用 几行代码的网页元素即可容易创建动画,设计师们最近一直在使用功能多用又美观的JavaScript。

    Andreas Hinkel

    Andreas-hinkel-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Jon White Studio

    John-white-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Votaw-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design Trends


    Utah-travel-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Rudeworks-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Multiways-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Bert Timmermans

    Bert-timmermans-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Dragon Interactive

    Dragon-interactive-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation    Design Trends

6. 不规则形状导航设计

    由 于大多数网站都用的是直边和尖角,不规则的形状让你有机会摆脱俗套范。


    Booma-web-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Kutztown University

    Kutztown-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Yorkdale-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    The Crazy Love Campaign

    Crazy-love-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Carnivale du Vin 2009

    Carnivale-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Wrangler Face Off

    Wrangler-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Hto-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design Trends


    Smriyaz-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design Trends

    Think Up

    Think-up-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    f claire baxter

    F-clair-baxter-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Inner Metro Green

    Inner-metro-green-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation    Design Trends

    Custom Tshirts UK

    Custom-t-uk-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends

    Pirata London

    Pirata-london-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Koriaykibar-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends


    Idea-org-navigation in Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design    Trends



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