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sudo tcpdump -s 0 -nX host [ip] -i eth1 -w data















curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "gzip");            // Accept-Encoding



    Sets the contents of the Accept-Encoding: header sent in an HTTP request, and enables decoding of a response when a Content-Encoding: header is received. Three encodings are supported: identity, which does nothing, deflate which requests the server to compress its response using the zlib algorithm, and gzip which requests the gzip algorithm. If a zero-length string is set, then an Accept-Encoding: header containing all supported encodings is sent. 

    This is a request, not an order; the server may or may not do it. This option must be set (to any non-NULL value) or else any unsolicited encoding done by the server is ignored. See the special file lib/README.encoding for details.




    杯具啊,查了一下午,搞到最后我都要去直接strace webserver的接入进程了……,结果却是这么简单的原因。。。2010年9月11日


  1. 使用.htaccess 开启gzip 缓存文件 网页 提高速度    (阅读:6621)
  2. 使用Gzip压缩网页    (阅读:3170)
  3. apache,php的gzip压缩功能    (阅读:3108)
  4. 用pigz代替gzip    (阅读:2940)
  5. 如何让squid 2.6.STABLE21输出Content-Encoding: gzip    (阅读:2906)
  6. Nginx与Gzip请求    (阅读:2075)
  7. IE6中javascript文件开启Gzip出现代码不执行情况    (阅读:1953)
  • 作者:Dante    来源: Vimer
  • 标签: gzip
  • 发布时间:2010-09-11 09:48:13
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