浏览:2060次 出处信息
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>The joy of clojure</title>
<author>Michael Fogus / Chris House</author>
<title>Programming clojure</title>
<author>Stuart Halloway</author>
<title>Practical clojure</title>
<author>Luke Van der Hart</author>
<title>The joy of clojure</title>
<author>Michael Fogus / Chris House</author>
<title>Programming clojure</title>
<author>Stuart Halloway</author>
<title>Practical clojure</title>
<author>Luke Van der Hart</author>
user=> (use '[clojure.xml])
user=> (parse "test.xml")
{:tag :books, :attrs nil, :content
[{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["The joy of clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Michael Fogus / Chris House"]}]}
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Programming clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Stuart Halloway"]}]}
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Practical clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Luke Van der Hart"]}]}]}
user=> (parse "test.xml")
{:tag :books, :attrs nil, :content
[{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["The joy of clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Michael Fogus / Chris House"]}]}
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Programming clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Stuart Halloway"]}]}
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Practical clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Luke Van der Hart"]}]}]}
(defstruct element :tag :attrs :content)
tag、attrs和content属性,tag就是该节点的标签,attrs是一个属性的map,而content是它的内容或者子节点。element是一个struct map,它也定义了三个方法来分别获取这三个属性:user=> (def x (parse "test.xml"))
user=> (tag x)
user=> (attrs x)
user=> (content x)
[{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["The joy of clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Michael Fogus / Chris House"]}]}
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Programming clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Stuart Halloway"]}]}
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Practical clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Luke Van der Hart"]}]}]
books节点是root node,它的content就是三个book子节点,子节点组织成一个vector,我们可以随意操作:#'user/x
user=> (tag x)
user=> (attrs x)
user=> (content x)
[{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["The joy of clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Michael Fogus / Chris House"]}]}
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Programming clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Stuart Halloway"]}]}
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Practical clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Luke Van der Hart"]}]}]
user=> (tag (first (content x)))
user=> (content (first (content x)))
[{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["The joy of clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Michael Fogus / Chris House"]}]
user=> (content (first (content (first (content x)))))
["The joy of clojure"]
user=> (content (first (content x)))
[{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["The joy of clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Michael Fogus / Chris House"]}]
user=> (content (first (content (first (content x)))))
["The joy of clojure"]
额外提下,clojure.xml是利用SAX API做解析的。同样它还有个方法,可以将解析出来的结构还原成xml,通过emit:
user=> (emit x)
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
The joy of clojure
Michael Fogus / Chris House

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
The joy of clojure
Michael Fogus / Chris House

user=> (for [node (xml-seq x)
:when (= :author (:tag node))]
(first (:content node)))
("Michael Fogus / Chris House" "Stuart Halloway" "Luke Van der Hart")
:when (= :author (:tag node))]
(first (:content node)))
("Michael Fogus / Chris House" "Stuart Halloway" "Luke Van der Hart")
user=>(def xz (xml-zip x))
user=> (node (down xz))
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["The joy of clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Michael Fogus / Chris House"]}]}
user=> (-> xz down right node)
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Programming clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Stuart Halloway"]}]}
user=> (-> xz down right right node)
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Practical clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Luke Van der Hart"]}]}
user=> (-> xz down right right lefts)
({:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["The joy of clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Michael Fogus / Chris House"]}]}
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Programming clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Stuart Halloway"]}]})
user=> (node (down xz))
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["The joy of clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Michael Fogus / Chris House"]}]}
user=> (-> xz down right node)
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Programming clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Stuart Halloway"]}]}
user=> (-> xz down right right node)
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Practical clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Luke Van der Hart"]}]}
user=> (-> xz down right right lefts)
({:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["The joy of clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Michael Fogus / Chris House"]}]}
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Programming clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Stuart Halloway"]}]})
是不是酷得一塌糊涂?可以通过up,down,left,right,lefts,rights,来查找节点的邻近节点,可以通过node来得到节点本身。一切显得那么自然。更进一步,你还可以“编辑“这棵树,比如删除The joy of clojure这本书:
user=> (def loc-in-new-tree (remove (down xz)))
user=> (root loc-in-new-tree)
{:tag :books, :attrs nil, :content
[{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Programming clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Stuart Halloway"]}]}
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Practical clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Luke Van der Hart"]}]}]}
user=> (root loc-in-new-tree)
{:tag :books, :attrs nil, :content
[{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Programming clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Stuart Halloway"]}]}
{:tag :book, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :title, :attrs nil, :content ["Practical clojure"]} {:tag :author, :attrs nil, :content ["Luke Van der Hart"]}]}]}
生成xml除了emit方法,还有一个contrib库,也就是prxml,这个库的clojure 1.3版本有人维护了一个分支,在这里。主要方法就是prxml,它可以将clojure的数据结构转换成xml:
user=>(prxml [:p [:raw! "<i>here & gone</i>"]])
<p><i>here & gone</i></p>
显然,它也可以用于生成HTML。<p><i>here & gone</i></p>
xpath的支持可以使用clj-xpath这个开源库,遗憾的是它目前仅支持clojure 1.2。
- XML和JSON (阅读:6889)
- 信XML,得自信 (阅读:3986)
- 前端模板引擎 (阅读:3849)
- xml转数组的方法 (阅读:3747)
- Ajax和WEB服务数据格式:XML SOAP HTML (阅读:3164)
- 使用javascript将XML解析为JSON (阅读:2390)
- XML实体注入漏洞安全警告 (阅读:2508)
- 实例演示SimpleXMLElement的用法 (阅读:2346)
- javascript对XML的读写操作 (阅读:2167)
- XML/RSS的CDATA区段 (阅读:2124)
<< 前一篇:meta标签简明教程
后一篇:自定义webkit搜索框样式 >>
- 作者:dennis 来源: BlogJava-庄周梦蝶
- 标签: Clojure XML
- 发布时间:2012-02-26 23:26:00
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