libofetion demo以及纯命令行飞信
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/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2010 by lwp * * * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include#include #include #include #include #include #define BUFLEN 1024 int password_inputed = 0; int mobileno_inputed = 0; int tono_inputed = 0; int message_inputed = 0; User *user; pthread_t th; static void usage(char *argv[]); int fx_login(const char *mobileno, const char *password) { Config *config; FetionConnection *tcp; FetionSip *sip; char *res; char *nonce; char *key; char *aeskey; char *response; int local_group_count; int local_buddy_count; int group_count; int buddy_count; int ret; /* construct a user object */ user = fetion_user_new(mobileno, password); /* construct a config object */ config = fetion_config_new(); /* attach config to user */ fetion_user_set_config(user, config); /* start ssi authencation,result string needs to be freed after use */ res = ssi_auth_action(user); /* parse the ssi authencation result,if success,user's sipuri and userid * are stored in user object,orelse user->loginStatus was marked failed */ parse_ssi_auth_response(res, user); free(res); /* whether needs to input a confirm code,or login failed * for other reason like password error */ if(USER_AUTH_NEED_CONFIRM(user) || USER_AUTH_ERROR(user)) { debug_error("authencation failed"); return 1; } /* initialize configuration for current user */ if(fetion_user_init_config(user) == -1) { debug_error("initialize configuration"); return 1; } if(fetion_config_download_configuration(user) == -1) { debug_error("download configuration"); return 1; } /* set user's login state to be hidden */ fetion_user_set_st(user, P_HIDDEN); /* load user information and contact list information from local host */ fetion_user_load(user); fetion_contact_load(user, &local_group_count, &local_buddy_count); /* construct a tcp object and connect to the sipc proxy server */ tcp = tcp_connection_new(); if((ret = tcp_connection_connect(tcp, config->sipcProxyIP, config->sipcProxyPort)) == -1) { debug_error("connect sipc server %s:%d\n", config->sipcProxyIP, config->sipcProxyPort); return 1; } /* construct a sip object with the tcp object and attach it to user object */ sip = fetion_sip_new(tcp, user->sId); fetion_user_set_sip(user, sip); /* register to sipc server */ if(!(res = sipc_reg_action(user))) { debug_error("register to sipc server"); return 1; } parse_sipc_reg_response(res, &nonce, &key); free(res); aeskey = generate_aes_key(); response = generate_response(nonce, user->userId, user->password, key, aeskey); free(nonce); free(key); free(aeskey); /* sipc authencation,you can printf res to see what you received */ if(!(res = sipc_aut_action(user, response))) { debug_error("sipc authencation"); return 1; } if(parse_sipc_auth_response(res, user, &group_count, &buddy_count) == -1) { debug_error("authencation failed"); return 1; } free(res); free(response); if(USER_AUTH_ERROR(user) || USER_AUTH_NEED_CONFIRM(user)) { debug_error("login failed"); return 1; } /* save the user information and contact list information back to the local database */ fetion_user_save(user); fetion_contact_save(user); /* these... fuck the fetion protocol */ struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; char buf[1024]; if(setsockopt(user->sip->tcp->socketfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &tv, sizeof(tv)) == -1) { debug_error("settimeout"); return 1; } tcp_connection_recv(user->sip->tcp, buf, sizeof(buf)); return 0; } int send_message(const char *mobileno, const char *receiveno, const char *message) { Conversation *conv; Contact *contact; Contact *contact_cur; Contact *target_contact = NULL; int daycount; int monthcount; /* send this message to yourself */ if(*receiveno == '\0' || strcmp(receiveno, mobileno) == 0) { /* construct a conversation object with the sipuri to set NULL * to send a message to yourself */ conv = fetion_conversation_new(user, NULL, NULL); if(fetion_conversation_send_sms_to_myself_with_reply(conv, message) == -1) { debug_error("send message \"%s\" to %s", message, user->mobileno); return 1; } }else{ /* get the contact detail information by mobile number, * note that the result doesn't contain sipuri */ contact = fetion_contact_get_contact_info_by_no(user, receiveno, MOBILE_NO); if(!contact) { debug_error("get contact information of %s", receiveno); return 1; } /* find the sipuri of the target user */ foreach_contactlist(user->contactList, contact_cur) { if(strcmp(contact_cur->userId, contact->userId) == 0) { target_contact = contact_cur; break; } } if(!target_contact) { debug_error("sorry,maybe %s isn't in your contact list"); return 1; } /* do what the function name says */ conv = fetion_conversation_new(user, target_contact->sipuri, NULL); if(fetion_conversation_send_sms_to_phone_with_reply(conv, message, &daycount, &monthcount) == -1) { debug_error("send sms to %s", receiveno); return 1; }else{ debug_info("successfully send sms to %s\nyou have sent %d messages today, %d messages this monthcount", receiveno, daycount, monthcount); return 0; } } return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch; char mobileno[BUFLEN]; char password[BUFLEN]; char receiveno[BUFLEN]; char message[BUFLEN]; memset(mobileno, 0, sizeof(mobileno)); memset(password, 0, sizeof(password)); memset(receiveno, 0, sizeof(receiveno)); memset(message, 0, sizeof(message)); while((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "f:p:t:d:")) != -1) { switch(ch) { case 'f': mobileno_inputed = 1; strncpy(mobileno, optarg, sizeof(mobileno) - 1); break; case 'p': password_inputed = 1; strncpy(password, optarg, sizeof(password) - 1); break; case 't': tono_inputed = 1; strncpy(receiveno, optarg, sizeof(receiveno) - 1); break; case 'd': message_inputed = 1; strncpy(message, optarg, sizeof(message) - 1); break; default: break; } } if(!mobileno_inputed || !password_inputed || !message_inputed) { usage(argv); return 1; } if(fx_login(mobileno, password)) return 1; if(send_message(mobileno, receiveno, message)) return 1; fetion_user_free(user); return 0; } static void usage(char *argv[]) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:%s -f mobileno -p password -t receive_mobileno -d message\n", argv[0]); }
hg clone ofetion
gcc -o cli cli.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs ofetion`
有一个地方需要说明,请大家找到/* these… fuck the fetion protocol */这个句注释,它下面的几句话的作用是这样的,飞信在用户完成身份验证之后订阅相关信息之前会推送过来一条信令:
BN 406472150 SIP-C/4.0 N: SyncUserInfoV4 I: 2 Q: 1 BN L: 124
<< 前一篇:tcpcopy,模拟在线压力测试的好帮手
- 作者:levin 来源: basic coder
- 标签: 飞信
- 发布时间:2012-03-18 23:40:59
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