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list METRICDEFINITION attributes objectType,metricType,Name,UNIT,description
objectType | metricType | Name | UNIT | description |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_BBU_CHARGE | % | Disk Controller Battery Charge |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_BBU_TEMP | C | Disk Controller Battery Temperature |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_CPUT | % | Percentage of time over the previous minute that the system CPUs were not idle. |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_CPUT_CS | % | Percentage of CPU time used by CELLSRV |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_CPUT_MS | % | Percentage of CPU time used by MS |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_FANS | Number | Number of working fans on the cell |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_MEMUT | % | Percentage of total physical memory on the cell that is currently used |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_MEMUT_CS | % | Percentage of physical memory used by CELLSRV |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_MEMUT_MS | % | Percentage of physical memory used by MS |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_RUNQ | Number | Average number (over the preceding minute) of processes in the Linux run queue marked running or uninterruptible (from /proc/loadavg). |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_SWAP_IN_BY_SEC | KB/sec | Amount of swap pages read in KB per second |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_SWAP_OUT_BY_SEC | KB/sec | Amount of swap pages written in KB per second |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_SWAP_USAGE | % | Percentage of swap used |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_TEMP | C | Temperature (Celsius) of the server, provided by the BMC |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_VIRTMEM_CS | MB | Amount of virtual memory used by CELLSRV in MB |
CELL | Instantaneous | CL_VIRTMEM_MS | MB | Amount of virtual memory used by MS in MB |
CELL | Instantaneous | IORM_MODE | Number | I/O Resource Manager objective for the cell |
CELL | Instantaneous | N_NIC_NW | Number | Number of inactive network interfaces |
CELL | Rate | N_HCA_MB_RCV_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes received by InfiniBand interfaces per second |
CELL | Rate | N_HCA_MB_TRANS_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes transmitted by InfiniBand interfaces per second |
CELL | Rate | N_NIC_KB_RCV_SEC | KB/sec | Number of kilobytes received by Ethernet interfaces per second |
CELL | Rate | N_NIC_KB_TRANS_SEC | KB/sec | Number of kilobytes transmitted by Ethernet interfaces per second |
CELL_FILESYSTEM | Instantaneous | CL_FSUT | % | Percentage of total space on this file system that is currently used |
CELLDISK | Cumulative | CD_IO_BY_R_LG | MB | Number of megabytes read in large blocks from a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Cumulative | CD_IO_BY_R_SM | MB | Number of megabytes read in small blocks from a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Cumulative | CD_IO_BY_W_LG | MB | Number of megabytes written in large blocks to a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Cumulative | CD_IO_BY_W_SM | MB | Number of megabytes written in small blocks to a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Cumulative | CD_IO_ERRS | Number | Number of IO errors on a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Cumulative | CD_IO_RQ_R_LG | IO requests | Number of requests to read large blocks from a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Cumulative | CD_IO_RQ_R_SM | IO requests | Number of requests to read small blocks from a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Cumulative | CD_IO_RQ_W_LG | IO requests | Number of requests to write large blocks to a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Cumulative | CD_IO_RQ_W_SM | IO requests | Number of requests to write small blocks to a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Cumulative | CD_IO_TM_R_LG | us | Cumulative latency of reading large blocks from a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Cumulative | CD_IO_TM_R_SM | us | Cumulative latency of reading small blocks from a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Cumulative | CD_IO_TM_W_LG | us | Cumulative latency of writing large blocks to a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Cumulative | CD_IO_TM_W_SM | us | Cumulative latency of writing small blocks to a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Instantaneous | CD_IO_LOAD | Number | Average I/O load for the cell disk |
CELLDISK | Instantaneous | CD_IO_ST_RQ | us/request | Average service time per request for small IO requests to a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Rate | CD_IO_BY_R_LG_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes read in large blocks per second from a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Rate | CD_IO_BY_R_SM_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes read in small blocks per second from a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Rate | CD_IO_BY_W_LG_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes written in large blocks per second to a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Rate | CD_IO_BY_W_SM_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes written in small blocks per second to a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Rate | CD_IO_ERRS_MIN | /min | Number of IO errors on a cell disk per minute |
CELLDISK | Rate | CD_IO_RQ_R_LG_SEC | IO/sec | Number of requests to read large blocks per second from a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Rate | CD_IO_RQ_R_SM_SEC | IO/sec | Number of requests to read small blocks per second from a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Rate | CD_IO_RQ_W_LG_SEC | IO/sec | Number of requests to write large blocks per second to a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Rate | CD_IO_RQ_W_SM_SEC | IO/sec | Number of requests to write small blocks per second to a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Rate | CD_IO_TM_R_LG_RQ | us/request | Average latency of reading large blocks per request to a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Rate | CD_IO_TM_R_SM_RQ | us/request | Average latency of reading small blocks per request from a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Rate | CD_IO_TM_W_LG_RQ | us/request | Average latency of writing large blocks per request to a cell disk |
CELLDISK | Rate | CD_IO_TM_W_SM_RQ | us/request | Average latency of writing small blocks per request to a cell disk |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_BYKEEP_OVERWR | MB | Number of megabytes pushed out of the FlashCache because of space limit for ‘keep’ objects |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_IO_BY_R | MB | Number of megabytes read from FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_IO_BY_R_MISS | MB | Number of megabytes read from disks because not all requested data was in FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_IO_BY_R_SKIP | MB | Number of megabytes read from disks for IO requests with a hint to bypass FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_IO_BY_W | MB | Number of megabytes written to FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_IO_BYKEEP_R | MB | Number of megabytes read from FlashCache for ‘keep’ objects |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_IO_BYKEEP_W | MB | Number of megabytes written to FlashCache for ‘keep’ objects |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_IO_ERRS | Number | Number of IO errors on FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_IO_RQ_R | IO requests | Number of read IO requests satisfied from FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_IO_RQ_R_MISS | IO requests | Number of read IO requests which did not find all data in FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_IO_RQ_R_SKIP | IO requests | Number of read IO requests with a hint to bypass FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_IO_RQ_W | IO requests | Number of IO requests which resulted in FlashCache being populated with data |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_IO_RQKEEP_R | IO requests | Number of read IO requests for ‘keep’ objects satisfied from FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_IO_RQKEEP_R_MISS | IO requests | Number of read IO requests for ‘keep’ objects which did not find all data in FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_IO_RQKEEP_R_SKIP | IO requests | Number of read IO requests for ‘keep’ objects with a hint to bypass FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Cumulative | FC_IO_RQKEEP_W | IO requests | Number of IO requests for ‘keep’ objects which resulted in FlashCache being populated with data |
FLASHCACHE | Instantaneous | FC_BY_USED | MB | Number of megabytes used on FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Instantaneous | FC_BYKEEP_USED | MB | Number of megabytes used for ‘keep’ objects on FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Rate | FC_BYKEEP_OVERWR_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes per second pushed out of the FlashCache because of space limit for ‘keep’ objects |
FLASHCACHE | Rate | FC_IO_BY_R_MISS_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes read from disks per second because not all requested data was in FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Rate | FC_IO_BY_R_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes read per second from FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Rate | FC_IO_BY_R_SKIP_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes read from disks per second for IO requests with a hint to bypass FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Rate | FC_IO_BY_W_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes per second written to FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Rate | FC_IO_BYKEEP_R_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes read per second from FlashCache for ‘keep’ objects |
FLASHCACHE | Rate | FC_IO_BYKEEP_W_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes per second written to FlashCache for ‘keep’ objects |
FLASHCACHE | Rate | FC_IO_RQ_R_MISS_SEC | IO/sec | Number of read IO requests per second which did not find all data in FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Rate | FC_IO_RQ_R_SEC | IO/sec | Number of read IO requests satisfied per second from FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Rate | FC_IO_RQ_R_SKIP_SEC | IO/sec | Number of read IO requests per second with a hint to bypass FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Rate | FC_IO_RQ_W_SEC | IO/sec | Number of IO requests per second which resulted in FlashCache being populated with data |
FLASHCACHE | Rate | FC_IO_RQKEEP_R_MISS_SEC | IO/sec | Number of read IO requests per second for ‘keep’ objects which did not find all data in FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Rate | FC_IO_RQKEEP_R_SEC | IO/sec | Number of read IO requests for ‘keep’ objects per second satisfied from FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Rate | FC_IO_RQKEEP_R_SKIP_SEC | IO/sec | Number of read IO requests per second for ‘keep’ objects with a hint to bypass FlashCache |
FLASHCACHE | Rate | FC_IO_RQKEEP_W_SEC | IO/sec | Number of IO requests per second for ‘keep’ objects which resulted in FlashCache being populated with data |
FLASHLOG | Cumulative | FL_ACTUAL_OUTLIERS | IO requests | The number of times redo writes to flash and disk both exceeded the outlier threshold |
FLASHLOG | Cumulative | FL_DISK_FIRST | IO requests | The number of times redo writes first completed to disk |
FLASHLOG | Cumulative | FL_DISK_IO_ERRS | IO requests | The number of disk I/O errors encountered by Smart Flash Logging |
FLASHLOG | Cumulative | FL_EFFICIENCY_PERCENTAGE | % | The efficiency of Smart Flash Logging expressed as a percentage |
FLASHLOG | Cumulative | FL_FLASH_FIRST | IO requests | The number of times redo writes first completed to flash |
FLASHLOG | Cumulative | FL_FLASH_IO_ERRS | IO requests | The number of flash I/O errors encountered by Smart Flash Logging |
FLASHLOG | Cumulative | FL_FLASH_ONLY_OUTLIERS | IO requests | The number of times redo writes to flash exceeded the outlier threshold |
FLASHLOG | Cumulative | FL_IO_DB_BY_W | MB | The number of MB written to hard disk by Smart Flash Logging |
FLASHLOG | Cumulative | FL_IO_FL_BY_W | MB | The number of MB written to flash by Smart Flash Logging |
FLASHLOG | Cumulative | FL_IO_W | IO requests | The number of writes serviced by Smart Flash Logging |
FLASHLOG | Cumulative | FL_IO_W_SKIP_BUSY | IO requests | The number of redo writes that could not be serviced by Smart Flash Logging because too much data had not yet been written to disk |
FLASHLOG | Cumulative | FL_IO_W_SKIP_LARGE | IO requests | The number of large redo writes that could not be serviced by Smart Flash Logging because the size of the data was larger than the amount of available space on any flash disk |
FLASHLOG | Cumulative | FL_PREVENTED_OUTLIERS | IO requests | The number of times redo writes to disk exceeded the outlier threshold; these would have been outliers had it not been for Smart Flash Logging |
FLASHLOG | Instantaneous | FL_BY_KEEP | Number | The amount of redo data saved on flash due to disk I/O errors |
FLASHLOG | Instantaneous | FL_EFFICIENCY_PERCENTAGE_HOUR | % | The efficiency of Smart Flash Logging over the last hour expressed as a percentage |
FLASHLOG | Instantaneous | FL_IO_DB_BY_W_SEC | MB/sec | The rate which is the number of MB per second written to hard disk by Smart Flash Logging |
FLASHLOG | Instantaneous | FL_IO_FL_BY_W_SEC | MB/sec | The rate which is the number of MB per second written to flash by Smart Flash Logging |
FLASHLOG | Instantaneous | FL_IO_W_SKIP_BUSY_MIN | IO/sec | The number of redo writes during the last minute that could not be serviced by Smart Flash Logging because too much data had not yet been written to disk |
GRIDDISK | Cumulative | GD_IO_BY_R_LG | MB | Number of megabytes read in large blocks from a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Cumulative | GD_IO_BY_R_SM | MB | Number of megabytes read in small blocks from a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Cumulative | GD_IO_BY_W_LG | MB | Number of megabytes written in large blocks to a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Cumulative | GD_IO_BY_W_SM | MB | Number of megabytes written in small blocks to a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Cumulative | GD_IO_ERRS | Number | Number of IO errors on a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Cumulative | GD_IO_RQ_R_LG | IO requests | Number of requests to read large blocks from a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Cumulative | GD_IO_RQ_R_SM | IO requests | Number of requests to read small blocks from a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Cumulative | GD_IO_RQ_W_LG | IO requests | Number of requests to write large blocks to a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Cumulative | GD_IO_RQ_W_SM | IO requests | Number of requests to write small blocks to a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Rate | GD_IO_BY_R_LG_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes read in large blocks per second from a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Rate | GD_IO_BY_R_SM_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes read in small blocks per second from a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Rate | GD_IO_BY_W_LG_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes written in large blocks per second to a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Rate | GD_IO_BY_W_SM_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes written in small blocks per second to a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Rate | GD_IO_ERRS_MIN | /min | Number of IO errors on a grid disk per minute |
GRIDDISK | Rate | GD_IO_RQ_R_LG_SEC | IO/sec | Number of requests to read large blocks per second from a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Rate | GD_IO_RQ_R_SM_SEC | IO/sec | Number of requests to read small blocks per second from a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Rate | GD_IO_RQ_W_LG_SEC | IO/sec | Number of requests to write large blocks per second to a grid disk |
GRIDDISK | Rate | GD_IO_RQ_W_SM_SEC | IO/sec | Number of requests to write small blocks per second to a grid disk |
HOST_INTERCONNECT | Cumulative | N_MB_DROP | MB | Number of megabytes droped during transmission to a particular host |
HOST_INTERCONNECT | Cumulative | N_MB_RDMA_DROP | MB | Number of megabytes dropped during RDMA transmission to a particular host |
HOST_INTERCONNECT | Cumulative | N_MB_RECEIVED | MB | Number of megabytes received from a particular host |
HOST_INTERCONNECT | Cumulative | N_MB_RESENT | MB | Number of megabytes resent to a particular host |
HOST_INTERCONNECT | Cumulative | N_MB_SENT | MB | Number of megabytes transmitted to a particular host |
HOST_INTERCONNECT | Cumulative | N_RDMA_RETRY_TM | ms | Latency of the retry actions during RDMA transmission to a particular host |
HOST_INTERCONNECT | Rate | N_MB_DROP_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes droped during transmission per second to a particular host |
HOST_INTERCONNECT | Rate | N_MB_RDMA_DROP_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes dropped during RDMA transmission per second to a particular host |
HOST_INTERCONNECT | Rate | N_MB_RECEIVED_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes per second received from a particular host |
HOST_INTERCONNECT | Rate | N_MB_RESENT_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes resent per second to a particular host |
HOST_INTERCONNECT | Rate | N_MB_SENT_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes transmitted per second to a particular host |
IORM_CATEGORY | Cumulative | CT_FC_IO_RQ | IO requests | Number of IO requests issued by an IORM category to flash cache |
IORM_CATEGORY | Cumulative | CT_FD_IO_RQ_LG | IO requests | Number of large IO requests issued by an IORM category to flash disks |
IORM_CATEGORY | Cumulative | CT_FD_IO_RQ_SM | IO requests | Number of small IO requests issued by an IORM category to flash disks |
IORM_CATEGORY | Cumulative | CT_IO_RQ_LG | IO requests | Number of large IO requests issued by an IORM category to hard disks |
IORM_CATEGORY | Cumulative | CT_IO_RQ_SM | IO requests | Number of small IO requests issued by an IORM category to hard disks |
IORM_CATEGORY | Cumulative | CT_IO_WT_LG | ms | IORM wait time for large IO requests issued by an IORM category |
IORM_CATEGORY | Cumulative | CT_IO_WT_SM | ms | IORM wait time for small IO requests issued by an IORM category |
IORM_CATEGORY | Instantaneous | CT_FC_IO_BY_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this category to flash cache |
IORM_CATEGORY | Instantaneous | CT_FD_IO_BY_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this category to flash disks |
IORM_CATEGORY | Instantaneous | CT_FD_IO_LOAD | Number | Average I/O load from this category for flash disks |
IORM_CATEGORY | Instantaneous | CT_IO_BY_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this category to hard disks |
IORM_CATEGORY | Instantaneous | CT_IO_LOAD | Number | Average I/O load from this category for hard disks |
IORM_CATEGORY | Instantaneous | CT_IO_UTIL_LG | % | Percentage of disk resources utilized by large requests from this category |
IORM_CATEGORY | Instantaneous | CT_IO_UTIL_SM | % | Percentage of disk resources utilized by small requests from this category |
IORM_CATEGORY | Rate | CT_FC_IO_RQ_SEC | IO/sec | Number of IO requests issued by an IORM category to flash cache per second |
IORM_CATEGORY | Rate | CT_FD_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | IO/sec | Number of large IO requests issued by an IORM category to flash disks per second |
IORM_CATEGORY | Rate | CT_FD_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | IO/sec | Number of small IO requests issued by an IORM category to flash disks per second |
IORM_CATEGORY | Rate | CT_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | IO/sec | Number of large IO requests issued by an IORM category to hard disks per second |
IORM_CATEGORY | Rate | CT_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | IO/sec | Number of small IO requests issued by an IORM category to hard disks per second |
IORM_CATEGORY | Rate | CT_IO_WT_LG_RQ | ms/request | Average IORM wait time per request for large IO requests issued by an IORM category |
IORM_CATEGORY | Rate | CT_IO_WT_SM_RQ | ms/request | Average IORM wait time per request for small IO requests issued by an IORM category |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Cumulative | CG_FC_IO_RQ | IO requests | Number of IO requests issued by a consumer group to flash cache |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Cumulative | CG_FD_IO_RQ_LG | IO requests | Number of large IO requests issued by a consumer group to flash disks |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Cumulative | CG_FD_IO_RQ_SM | IO requests | Number of small IO requests issued by a consumer group to flash disks |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Cumulative | CG_IO_RQ_LG | IO requests | Number of large IO requests issued by a consumer group to hard disks |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Cumulative | CG_IO_RQ_SM | IO requests | Number of small IO requests issued by a consumer group to hard disks |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Cumulative | CG_IO_WT_LG | ms | IORM wait time for large IO requests issued by a consumer group |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Cumulative | CG_IO_WT_SM | ms | IORM wait time for small IO requests issued by a consumer group |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Instantaneous | CG_FC_IO_BY_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this consumer group to flash cache |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Instantaneous | CG_FD_IO_BY_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this consumer group to flash disks |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Instantaneous | CG_FD_IO_LOAD | Number | Average I/O load from this consumer group for flash disks |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Instantaneous | CG_IO_BY_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this consumer group to hard disks |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Instantaneous | CG_IO_LOAD | Number | Average I/O load from this consumer group for hard disks |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Instantaneous | CG_IO_UTIL_LG | % | Percentage of disk resources utilized by large requests from this consumer group |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Instantaneous | CG_IO_UTIL_SM | % | Percentage of disk resources utilized by small requests from this consumer group |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Rate | CG_FC_IO_RQ_SEC | IO/sec | Number of IO requests issued by a consumer group to flash cache per second |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Rate | CG_FD_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | IO/sec | Number of large IO requests issued by a consumer group to flash disks per second |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Rate | CG_FD_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | IO/sec | Number of small IO requests issued by a consumer group to flash disks per second |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Rate | CG_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | IO/sec | Number of large IO requests issued by a consumer group to hard disks per second |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Rate | CG_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | IO/sec | Number of small IO requests issued by a consumer group to hard disks per second |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Rate | CG_IO_WT_LG_RQ | ms/request | Average IORM wait time per request for large IO requests issued by a consumer group |
IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP | Rate | CG_IO_WT_SM_RQ | ms/request | Average IORM wait time per request for small IO requests issued by a consumer group |
IORM_DATABASE | Cumulative | DB_FC_IO_RQ | IO requests | Number of IO requests issued by a database to flash cache |
IORM_DATABASE | Cumulative | DB_FD_IO_RQ_LG | IO requests | Number of large IO requests issued by a database to flash disks |
IORM_DATABASE | Cumulative | DB_FD_IO_RQ_SM | IO requests | Number of small IO requests issued by a database to flash disks |
IORM_DATABASE | Cumulative | DB_FL_IO_BY | MB | The number of MB written to the Flash Log |
IORM_DATABASE | Cumulative | DB_FL_IO_RQ | IO requests | The number of I/O requests issued to the Flash Log |
IORM_DATABASE | Cumulative | DB_IO_RQ_LG | IO requests | Number of large IO requests issued by a database to hard disks |
IORM_DATABASE | Cumulative | DB_IO_RQ_SM | IO requests | Number of small IO requests issued by a database to hard disks |
IORM_DATABASE | Cumulative | DB_IO_WT_LG | ms | IORM wait time for large IO requests issued by a database |
IORM_DATABASE | Cumulative | DB_IO_WT_SM | ms | IORM wait time for small IO requests issued by a database |
IORM_DATABASE | Instantaneous | DB_FC_IO_BY_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this database to flash cache |
IORM_DATABASE | Instantaneous | DB_FD_IO_BY_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this database to flash disks |
IORM_DATABASE | Instantaneous | DB_FD_IO_LOAD | Number | Average I/O load from this database for flash disks |
IORM_DATABASE | Instantaneous | DB_FL_IO_BY_SEC | MB/sec | The number of MB written per second to the Flash Log |
IORM_DATABASE | Instantaneous | DB_FL_IO_RQ_SEC | IO/sec | The number of I/O requests per second issued to the Flash Log |
IORM_DATABASE | Instantaneous | DB_IO_BY_SEC | MB/sec | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this database to hard disks |
IORM_DATABASE | Instantaneous | DB_IO_LOAD | Number | Average I/O load from this database for hard disks |
IORM_DATABASE | Instantaneous | DB_IO_UTIL_LG | % | Percentage of disk resources utilized by large requests from this database |
IORM_DATABASE | Instantaneous | DB_IO_UTIL_SM | % | Percentage of disk resources utilized by small requests from this database |
IORM_DATABASE | Rate | DB_FC_IO_RQ_SEC | IO/sec | Number of IO requests issued by a database to flash cache per second |
IORM_DATABASE | Rate | DB_FD_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | IO/sec | Number of large IO requests issued by a database to flash disks per second |
IORM_DATABASE | Rate | DB_FD_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | IO/sec | Number of small IO requests issued by a database to flash disks per second |
IORM_DATABASE | Rate | DB_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | IO/sec | Number of large IO requests issued by a database to hard disks per second |
IORM_DATABASE | Rate | DB_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | IO/sec | Number of small IO requests issued by a database to hard disks per second |
IORM_DATABASE | Rate | DB_IO_WT_LG_RQ | ms/request | Average IORM wait time per request for large IO requests issued by a database |
IORM_DATABASE | Rate | DB_IO_WT_SM_RQ | ms/request | Average IORM wait time per request for small IO requests issued by a database |
■ Cumulative: Statistics since the metric was created.
■ Instantaneous: Values at the time the metric is collected.
■ Rate: Computed value for metric by averaging statistics over a period of time.
要注意的是,LIST METRICCURRENT不是说CellCLI会帮你发出命令去收集当前指标的值,而只是显示出刚过去一分钟系统所收集到的指标值。下面是一个例子:
CellCLI> list metriccurrent where name=’CG_IO_UTIL_LG’ and metricObjectName=’DBM.OTHER_GROUPS’ ATTRIBUTES name, collectionTime, objectType, metricObjectName, metricType, metricValue
CG_IO_UTIL_LG 2012-05-10T05:01:58-05:00 IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP DBM.OTHER_GROUPS Instantaneous 0 %
CellCLI> list metriccurrent where name=’CG_IO_UTIL_LG’ and metricObjectName=’DBM.OTHER_GROUPS’ ATTRIBUTES name, collectionTime, objectType, metricObjectName, metricType, metricValue
CG_IO_UTIL_LG 2012-05-10T05:01:58-05:00 IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP DBM.OTHER_GROUPS Instantaneous 0 %
CellCLI> list metriccurrent where name=’CG_IO_UTIL_LG’ and metricObjectName=’DBM.OTHER_GROUPS’ ATTRIBUTES name, collectionTime, objectType, metricObjectName, metricType, metricValue
CG_IO_UTIL_LG 2012-05-10T05:02:58-05:00 IORM_CONSUMER_GROUP DBM.OTHER_GROUPS Instantaneous 0 %
所以,如果你期望当前的某个指标值已经重置或者说清零了,而通过list metriccurrent还能看到非零值,就不是什么奇怪的事情了。
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- 作者:Kaya 来源: OS与Oracle
- 标签: Exadata 监控
- 发布时间:2012-05-10 23:33:55
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