网络测量的工具有很多,netperf什么的都很不错。 我这里推荐了qperf,这是RHEL 6发行版里面自带的,所以使用起来很方便,只要简单的:
yum install qperf
我们看下man qperf的介绍:
qperf measures bandwidth and latency between two nodes. It can work over TCP/IP as well as the RDMA transports. On one of the nodes, qperf is typically run with no arguments designating it the server node. One may then run qperf on a client node to obtain measurements such as bandwidth, latency and cpu utilization.
In its most basic form, qperf is run on one node in server mode by invoking it with no arguments. On the other node, it is run with two arguments: the name of the server node followed by the name of the test. A list of tests can be found in the section, TESTS. A variety of options may also be specified.
$ uname -r 2.6.32-131.21.1.tb477.el6.x86_64 $ qperf
$ qperf 10.232.64.yyy tcp_bw tcp_lat conf tcp_bw: bw = 118 MB/sec tcp_lat: latency = 31.9 us conf: loc_node = xxx.sqa.cm4 loc_cpu = 16 Cores: Intel Xeon L5630 @ 2.13GHz loc_os = Linux 2.6.32-131.21.1.tb477.el6.x86_64 loc_qperf = 0.4.6 rem_node = yyy.sqa.cm4 rem_cpu = 16 Cores: Intel Xeon L5630 @ 2.13GHz rem_os = Linux 2.6.32-131.21.1.tb477.el6.x86_64 rem_qperf = 0.4.6
是不是很方便?典型情况下我们的带宽是118M,延迟是32us, 在标准的千M环境下是符合预期的。
当然qperf有很多高级参数,可以设置socket buffer的大小,绑定CPU亲缘性等, 很赞的一个特性是可以通过持续改变某个重要参数的值,来观察临界点:
-oo, -loop Var:Init:Last:Incr
Run a test multiple times sequencing through a series of values. Var is the loop variable;
Init is the initial value; Last is the value it must not exceed and Incr is the increment. It
is useful to set the -verbose_used (-vu) option in conjunction with this option.
$ qperf -oo msg_size:1:64K:*2 10.232.64.yyy tcp_bw tcp_lat tcp_bw: bw = 2.43 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 4.69 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 9.12 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 18.5 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 33.1 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 61.4 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 114 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 118 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 113 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 114 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 114 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 118 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 117 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 118 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 118 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 117 MB/sec tcp_bw: bw = 117 MB/sec tcp_lat: latency = 31 us tcp_lat: latency = 31.1 us tcp_lat: latency = 31.1 us tcp_lat: latency = 31.4 us tcp_lat: latency = 30.8 us tcp_lat: latency = 32.1 us tcp_lat: latency = 32.6 us tcp_lat: latency = 33.3 us tcp_lat: latency = 35.5 us tcp_lat: latency = 38.6 us tcp_lat: latency = 50.1 us tcp_lat: latency = 69.6 us tcp_lat: latency = 88 us tcp_lat: latency = 128 us tcp_lat: latency = 209 us tcp_lat: latency = 365 us tcp_lat: latency = 650 us
我们可以看到当包的大小达到64字节的时候,带宽就上不去了;包到达1K的时候,延迟有了很大的变化。 这些临界点对我们的服务器编程时候对性能的估计和预期非常有帮助。
qperf除了测量tcp的,还可以测试rdma, udp, sctp等主流网络协议的带宽和延迟,算是个很新的工具,推荐大家使用。
- 两个精彩的比喻:吞吐量和延迟、信号量和互斥锁 (阅读:6209)
- 系统架构的一些思考 (阅读:5792)
- qperf测量网络带宽和延迟 (阅读:4799)
- 限制单个进程的带宽 (阅读:3719)
- 时延和带宽的关系 (阅读:3578)
- 一些队列理论 吞吐量、延迟和带宽 (阅读:3321)
- latencytop深度了解你的Linux系统的延迟 (阅读:3296)
- 网络方面一些经验 (阅读:3301)
- Velocity:TCP与低带宽网络的性能【译】 (阅读:3316)
- 延迟加载图片的jQuery插件-Lazy Load Plugin for JQuery (阅读:2883)
- 作者:Yu Feng 来源: Erlang非业余研究
- 标签: qperf 带宽 延迟
- 发布时间:2012-06-10 21:19:36
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