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public interface INotifyPropertyChanged
    event EventHandler> PropertyChanged;

public class PropertyChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
    public PropertyChangedEventArgs(TPropertyIdentity propertyIdentity)
        this.PropertyIdentity = propertyIdentity;

    public TPropertyIdentity PropertyIdentity { get; private set; }



public class Item : INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event EventHandler> PropertyChanged;

    event PropertyChangedEventHandler INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
        add { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
        remove { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

    以上是Visual Studio为两个事件实现自动生成的代码框架,且看第二个事件,它要求我们提供add和remove访问器。为什么?我不知道,C#开发团队自己可能也已经不太清楚这么规定的原因

    Interesting question. I did some poking around the language notes archive and I discovered that this decision was made on the 13th of October, 1999, but the notes do not give a justification for the decision.

    Off the top of my head I don\'t see any theoretical or practical reason why we could not have field-like explicitly implemented events. Nor do I see any reason why we particularly need to. This may have to remain one of the mysteries of the unknown.

    Eric Lippert是老牌C#团队成员了,经常在Stack Overflow或是博客上写一些C#的设计内幕,可惜在这个问题上连他也认为是个“不解之谜”。此外,“自动属性”让这个限制进一步显得“无厘头”了,因为我们完全可以这么显式实现接口里的属性:

public interface INameProvider
    string Name { get; set; }

public class MyNameProvider : INameProvider
    string INameProvider.Name { get; set; }




public abstract class Base : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public EventHandler> PropertyChanged;

    protected void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs args)
        var propertyChanged = this.PropertyChanged;
        if (propertyChanged != null)
            propertyChanged(this, args);



public abstract class Base : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public abstract event EventHandler> MyIdentityPropertyChanged;

    event EventHandler> INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
        add { this.MyIdentityPropertyChanged += value; }
        remove { this.MyIdentityPropertyChanged -= value; }


public abstract class Base : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private EventHandler> _propertyChanged;

    event EventHandler> INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
        add { this._propertyChanged += value; }
        remove { this._propertyChanged -= value; }

    protected void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs args) { ... }

    protected void OnPropertyChanged(Func> argsFactory) { ... }


this.OnPropertyChanged(() => new PropertyChangedEventArgs(new MyIdentity()));



    文章写完后很快就有同学回复,说其实Eric Lippert下方那位同学的回答更靠谱。我看了看又想了想,的确如此。


var propertyChanged = ((INotifyPropertyChanged)this).PropertyChanged;


    总体而言,我这系列的第一枪打得有点歪,开了个坏头。当然从好处想,也是通过交流让我,还有潜在不明真相的同学了解到一些细节。还有再次确认了不能迷信权威,这次Eric Lippert的回答的确不够有说服力,但他还是得到了最多的支持,名气这东西的确挺令人嘘唏的。话说我刚才去StackOverflow上对他的回答投了反对票,可能是已经被采纳为正确答案了吧,我反而还被扣了一份,哈哈。


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