当你接手一个系统时,通常是从检查系统负载,cpu、内存使用率开始,查看statspack top5等待事件,逻辑读、物理读排名靠前的sql语句等等,然后进行初步的优化。而随着业务的深入了解,你开始从系统的角度去考虑据库设计,考虑应用实现的合理性,是否有更好的改进方案等。假设通过statspack报表找到了很耗资源的sql,表分析过,执行计划也是走索引,这种情况下怎么去判断 sql是优化的呢?
6,813,699 336 20,278.9 10.1 66.72 80.45 3039661161
module: java@admin1 (tns v1-v3)
select b.biz_source, count(*) as counts from tb_hanzgs_de
tail a, tb_business_info b where a.id = b.hanzgs_id
and a.status = :1 and a.deal_id = :2 and a.create_date
>= to_date(:3,\'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\') and a.create_date < to
_date(:4,\'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\') group by b.biz_source
sql> explain plan for
2 select b.biz_source, count(*) as counts
3 from tb_hanzgs_detail a, tb_business_info b
4 where a.id = b.hanzgs_id
5 and a.status = :1
6 and a.deal_id = :2
7 and a.create_date >= to_date(:3, \'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\')
8 and a.create_date < to_date(:4, \'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\')
9 group by b.biz_source;
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlxpls
Plan hash value: 1387434542
id | operation | name | rows | bytes | cost |
0 | select statement | | 1 | 31 |215
1 | sort group by | | 1 | 31 |215
2 | filter | | | |
3 | nested loops | | 1 | 31 |199
4 | table access by index rowid| tb_hanzgs_detail | 1| 21 |198
5 | index range scan | ind_tb_hanzgs_create | 231| |397
6 | index range scan | ind_tb_business_info_biz | 1| 10 |1
create index ind_tb_hanzgs_create on tb_hanzgs_detail (create_date, deal_id,status, id)tablespace tbs_tb_ind online compute statistics;
sql>select b.biz_source, count(*) as counts
3 from tb_hanzgs_detail a, tb_business_info b
4 where a.id = b.hanzgs_id
5 and a.status = 1
6 and a.deal_id = 0
7 and a.create_date >= to_date(sysdate-10, \'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\')
8 and a.create_date < to_date(sysdate-5, \'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\')
9 group by b.biz_source;
biz_source counts
---------- ----------
102 712
501 7881
701 1465
3 rows selected.
elapsed: 00:00:17.03
sql> /
biz_source counts
---------- ----------
102 713
501 7882
701 1465
3 rows selected.
elapsed: 00:00:05.32
sql> select status, count(*) as counts
2 from tb_hanzgs_detail
3 where create_date >= to_date(sysdate - 50, \'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\')
4 and create_date < to_date(sysdate - 49, \'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\') + 1
5 group by status;
status counts
--------- ----------
0 2
1 286
2 3567
3 123477
create index ind_tb_hanzgs_de_sta on tb_hanzgs_detail (status, deal_id, create_date,id)tablespace tbs_tb_ind online compute statistics;
sql> explain plan for
2 select b.biz_source, count(*) as counts
3 from tb_hanzgs_detail a, tb_business_info b
4 where a.id = b.hanzgs_id
5 and a.status = :1
6 and a.deal_id = :2
7 and a.create_date >= to_date(:3, \'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\')
8 and a.create_date < to_date(:4, \'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\') + 1
9 group by b.biz_source;
elapsed: 00:00:00.01
14:11:48 sql> @?/rdbms/admin/utlxpls
id | operation | name | rows | bytes | cost |
0 | select statement | |1 |31 |19 |
1 | sort group by | |1 |31 |19 |
2 | filter | | | | |
3 | nested loops | |1 |31 | 3 |
4 | index range scan | ind_tb_hanzgs_de_sta |1 |21 | 4 |
5 | index range scan | ind_tb_business_info_biz |1 |10 | 1 |
sql>select b.biz_source, count(*) as counts
3 from tb_hanzgs_detail a, tb_business_info b
4 where a.id = b.hanzgs_id
5 and a.status = 1
6 and a.deal_id = 0
7 and a.create_date >= to_date(sysdate-10, \'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\')
8 and a.create_date < to_date(sysdate-5, \'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\')
9 group by b.biz_source;
biz_source counts
---------- ----------
102 713
501 7881
701 1465
3 rows selected.
elapsed: 00:00:00.24
sql> /
biz_source counts
---------- ----------
102 713
501 7882
701 1465
3 rows selected.
elapsed: 00:00:00.23
- 由浅入深探究mysql索引结构原理、性能分析与优化 (阅读:15305)
- 浅谈MySQL索引背后的数据结构及算法 (阅读:10092)
- 由浅入深理解索引的实现(2) (阅读:6590)
- HBase二级索引与Join (阅读:5940)
- InnODB和MyISAM索引统计集合 (阅读:5403)
- Innodb 表和索引结构 (阅读:4938)
- mysql查询中利用索引的机制 (阅读:4985)
- MySQL索引背后的数据结构及算法原理 (阅读:4562)
- 多维度分类排行榜应用:用位图索引 (阅读:4106)
- mysql索引浅析 (阅读:4217)
- 作者:Incessant 来源: Incessant
- 标签: 索引
- 发布时间:2009-10-11 22:31:21
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