当前tbstat功能还比较简单,类似于iostat/vmstat等os工具,tbstat可以通过指定抽样间隔和抽样次数,来循环抓取Oracle的统计状态信息。tbstat支持三个参数 -i 表示间隔时间 -c 表示循环次数 -n 表示需要查看的统计信息的名字(使用前后%的like来查询)
- tbstat -i 2 -c 10 表示间隔时间2s,循环次数10次,展示经过人工筛选的36项统计信息
- tbstat -i 2 -c 10 -n parse 表示间隔时间2s,循环次数10次,展示所有名字包含parse的统计信息
- tbstat -i 2 -c 10 -n all 表示间隔时间2s,循环次数10次,展示所有不为零的统计信息
$tbstat 1 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- tbstat v0.3.3 --- a tool for oracle system statistics and event. -- Powered by NinGoo.net -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPU used by this session: 40 CR blocks created: 5 DBWR checkpoint buffers written: 569 DBWR undo block writes: 64 bytes received via SQL*Net from client: 314297 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client: 2761660 cleanouts only - consistent read gets: 4 consistent gets: 48855 db block changes: 2122 db block gets: 3714 enqueue requests: 900 enqueue waits: 7 execute count: 3145 free buffer requested: 1402 index crx upgrade (positioned): 3 index fast full scans (full): 0 leaf node 90-10 splits: 0 leaf node splits: 0 logons cumulative: 1 parse count (failures): 0 parse count (hard): 0 physical reads: 1546 physical reads cache prefetch: 0 physical writes: 603 redo size: 618436 redo synch time: 16 redo synch writes: 181 redo write time: 15 redo writes: 174 rollbacks only - consistent read gets: 0 sorts (disk): 0 sorts (memory): 259 table scans (long tables): 0 table scans (short tables): 9 transaction rollbacks: 0 user commits: 182
$tbstat 1 0 event ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- tbstat v0.3.3 --- a tool for oracle system statistics and event. -- Powered by NinGoo.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event Name: waits time Event Name: waits time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LGWR wait for redo copy: 1 0.01 SQL*Net more data from client: 151 19.95 SQL*Net more data to client: 1218 0.01 buffer busy waits: 2 0.01 control file parallel write: 1 0.51 control file sequential read: 1 0.26 cursor: pin S: 0 0.00 cursor: pin S wait on X: 0 0.00 db file parallel read: 0 0.00 db file parallel write: 0 0.00 db file scattered read: 0 0.00 db file sequential read: 2040 3.43 direct path read: 269 0.71 direct path read temp: 0 0.00 direct path write: 23 0.26 direct path write temp: 0 0.00 enq: CF - contention: 0 0.00 enq: HW - contention: 7 9.00 enq: SQ - contention: 0 0.00 enq: TX - allocate ITL entry: 0 0.00 enq: TX - index contention: 0 0.00 enq: TX - row lock contention: 0 0.00 latch free: 0 0.00 latch: cache buffers chains: 0 0.00 latch: library cache: 0 0.00 latch: redo writing: 0 0.00 latch: session allocation: 0 0.00 library cache lock: 0 0.00 log buffer space: 0 0.00 log file parallel write: 145 0.60 log file sequential read: 145 0.53 log file switch completion: 0 0.00 log file sync: 147 0.78 os thread startup: 0 0.00 read by other session: 0 0.00 row cache lock: 0 0.00 undo segment extension: 0 0.00
例如,全表扫描一般会导致physical reads cache prefetch等待事件,因此可以通过查看该事件对应的top sid来获得具体的语句,当然,不是所有的physical reads cache prefetch都是全表扫描导致的,因此对于获得的结果,还需要DBA根据具体情况做进一步分析:
$tbstat 1 0 'physical reads cache prefetch' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- tbstat v0.3.3 --- a tool for oracle system statistics and event. -- Powered by NinGoo.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- physical reads cache prefetch: 526 sid value % machine sql_id ---------- ----------- ----- ------------------- -------------- 2928 302 69.7 test11 79db58a3dg921 4902 67 15.5 test71 79db58a3dg921 4821 64 14.8 test33 3afdq50xt03ch 4544 0 0.0 test54 3afdq50xt03ch 1801 0 0.0 test06 79db58a3dg921 2830 0 0.0 test12 79db58a3dg921 898 0 0.0 test09 4n7675hwwcndc 1031 0 0.0 test16 79db58a3dg921 463 0 0.0 test04 3afdq50xt03ch 1364 0 0.0 test08 cq749u66x06uj 1408 0 0.0 test27 39rbqj3ck76w3 722 0 0.0 test37 26hdkf07336uf
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- 作者:NinGoo 来源: NinGoo.net
- 标签: tbstat 监控
- 发布时间:2010-01-13 14:07:17
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