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    David Cummings 从中总结了50句话,放在一起看,确实很令人收益。



    作者:David Cummings





    Just do it



    99% of decisions aren\'t permanent



    Be slow to hire and quick to fire



    Measure what you manage



    Competition isn\'t as important as the customer



    95% of startups shouldn\'t raise money



    Join a startup peer group



    The biggest challenge with growth is keeping everyone aligned



    Price differentiation doesn\'t last long but customer service does



    Market timing is the most important factor for homeruns



    Empower customers to help sell new customers



    Create the best environment you can for your team



    Asking good questions is more important than guessing the answer



    Build relationships before you need them



    Always consider the best alternative outcome before beginning a negotiation



    Consciously balance time working in the business vs working on the business



    You only get one first impression



    What you start out doing isn\'t likely where you\'ll find success



    Get the corporate culture right and everything will fall into place



    The best exit strategy is to not need one



    The biggest enemy of websites is the browser Back button



    Recurring revenue is the best form of revenue



    Don\'t burn any bridges as it is a small world



    Build a niche brand and curate all aspects of it



    Pivoting and iterating is healthy in a startup



    Always ask for a discount



    Your idea isn\'t unique



    Sharing your idea with others will lead to benefits you can\'t predict



    Keep it as simple as possible



    People identify with companies more so than products



    It\'s worth paying a professional (lawyer, accountant, etc) to do it right the first time



    Set goals and adapt to changing information



    Storytelling is more powerful than marketing



    Most startups initially price their product/service too low



    Make time to think



    Focus on rhythm, data, and priorities



    Develop offline analogies to describe your startup



    Companies aren\'t just about profits



    Celebrate the small victories



    Play to your strengths



    Be opinionated about your product when considering customer suggestions



    Know why you\'re different and clearly articulate it



    Don\'t develop products in a vacuum



    Regularly communicate with employees, customers, investors, and the community



    Remove friction for all stakeholders



    Absent information people make up reasons



    It is difficult to concentrate on more than three things at any one time



    Employees are the most important stakeholder



    No plan is perfect



    Consume the startup but don\'t let it consume you



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  6. 创业三部曲之一――学技术    (阅读:5547)
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  8. 从Rails聊聊小公司的研发团队建设    (阅读:4603)
  9. 大公司与风险管理    (阅读:4320)
  10. 创业前应先做出一个好的非盈利产品    (阅读:4198)
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