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浏览:3615次  出处信息

   谷歌近日推出了全新开源压缩算法Zopfli, 官方主页在 这里,相关文档在 这里

   Zopfli is a new deflate compatible compressor that was inspired by compression improvements

   developed originally for the lossless mode of WebP image compression. Being compatible with

   deflate makes Zopfli compatible with zlib and gzip. Most internet browsers support deflate

   decompression, and it has a wide range of other applications. This means that Zopflicompatible

   decompression is readily widely available.


   1. The output produced by Zopfli is 3.7-8.3 % smaller than that of gzip 9.

   2. Zopfli is 81 times slower than the fastest measured algorithm gzip 9.

   最大的特点是压缩好的数据和zip兼容,也就是说目前标准的zip uncompress算法都能解开,看起来比较适合web服务器的数据存储,降低成本,虽然只有3-8%点的提高,但是数据规模大了,还是很可观的。


$ ./zopfli  -h
Usage: zopfli [OPTION]... FILE
  -h    gives this help
  -c    write the result on standard output, instead of disk filename + '.gz'
  -v    verbose mode
  --gzip  output to gzip format (default)
  --deflate  output to deflate format instead of gzip
  --zlib  output to zlib format instead of gzip
  --i5  less compression, but faster
  --i10  less compression, but faster
  --i15  default compression, 15 iterations
  --i25  more compression, but slower
  --i50  more compression, but slower
  --i100  more compression, but slower
  --i250  more compression, but slower
  --i500  more compression, but slower
  --i1000  more compression, but slower



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  7. mod_gzip:Apache的HTTP压缩优化    (阅读:3870)
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  9. 为什么不压缩 HTML    (阅读:3609)
  10. 在服务端合并和压缩JavaScript和CSS文件    (阅读:3272)
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