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the ways to kill mysql application performance

浏览:1863次  出处信息



    1:Thinking too small



    c:不要使用单个的"big box"架构.



    f:performance != scalability

    3:choosing the wrong data types



    4:using persistent connections in php






    5:not understanding storage engines




    6:not understanding index layouts



    7:not understanding query cache

    a:是否使用query cache,需要参考数据库的读写比例

    b:query cache是性能及cpu处理之间的平衡

    c:对于并发量比较大的应用,大量的query cache反而会影响性能

    d:需要注意query cache失效的问题,提高query cache的命中率主要是需要拆分表.

    8:using stored procedures



    etl-type procedures

    stuff that\'s comple+ and not execute often

    stuff that\'s simple and execute multiple times per request

    9:operating on indexed column with a function

    10:having missing or useless indexes




    group by 操作的索引没有加索引


    11:not being join-fu master

    12:not accounting for deep scans

    对于大型网站需要使用search engine spider

    13:select count(*) with no where on an innodb table


    14:not profiling of benchmarking


    profiling concepts :

    a:try to profile on a testing or stage environment

    b:you are looking for bottlenecks in (memory disk i/o cpu network i/o and os)

    c:slow query logging

    benchmarking concepts :

    a:track changes in application performance over time

    b:isolate to a single changed variable

    c:record ererything

    d:shut off unnecessary programs

    e:disable query cache

    15:not using auto_increment






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  7. 长连接(KeepAlive)在 http 连接中的性能影响    (阅读:7233)
  8. SQL vs NoSQL:数据库并发写入性能比拼    (阅读:6768)
  9. 服务器性能测试工具推荐    (阅读:6706)
  10. WEB性能测试工具推荐    (阅读:5817)
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